July 2021

Rapid Tech Sector Growth in Phoenix is Favorable for the Data Center Industry

In the past 10 years, Phoenix, AZ has seen a 30% increase in jobs in the technology industry. This is almost 10% greater than the national average. Why are software companies seeing such rapid growth, especially now? There are actually a few reasons that Phoenix is becoming a national hub for tech, including the COVID-19 impact and career-centered computer science education. The COVID-19 pandemic has boosted...

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The Advantage of Geo Diversity in Data Center Location

The number of users consuming huge amounts of data online every day is almost inconceivable to imagine. And this demand for data is only growing. We have Data Centers to thank for allowing the incredible amount of interactions that are made online daily. Data Centers provide faster internet speeds and facilitate human connections across the globe. However, when a Data Center is not in an...

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Data Specialties Inc. Celebrates Thirty Years of Designing and Building Data Centers

Last week, we announced our thirtieth year of business as a leader in Data Center design/build services and preventative maintenance. Thank you to our employees, partners and customers for helping us achieve this milestone. Data Specialties was founded in 1991 by Ric Maxson and Phil Rafferty. “The Data Center industry has changed significantly over the past thirty years, and we have been here for every step...

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