May 2020

AFCOM Southern California Chapter Meeting Goes Virtual

Not a group to let the COVID-19 pandemic slow them down, AFCOM So Cal’s Quarter 2 Educational Series was held online on May 14th. In typical AFCOM So Cal fashion, the online event was both excellent and informative. There was a lively discussion between multiple guest speakers about the current state of the Data Center world, with executives sharing thoughts and experiences about how the COVID-19...

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Data Center Agility

The Data Center world is changing—enterprises are closing down their traditional Data Centers, while also moving workloads off the public cloud. That means Data Center owners and operators are having to seriously rethink their strategies to best use their resources. Last month our President, Phil Rafferty, provided some insight on Data Center configuration best practices for IT Toolbox. Phil was joined by experts from Cisco...

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Keeping the Internet Running in a Crisis

The COVID-19 crisis is directly impacting critical facilities around the world and is making uptime and resilience more critical than ever. Thanks to stay-at-home directives, and the closed doors of many physical businesses, almost half of employed adults in the US are working from home. Add to that, so many are now reliant on digital content for entertainment, digital platforms and video for socializing, and...

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