
Meeting Critical Building and Safety Requirements with DSI

In downtown Los Angeles, where space is expensive, the Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety (LADBS) faced a daunting challenge. Responsible for ensuring compliance with an array of codes and laws related to construction and safety, they required a new data center in an existing building that could match its mission and overcome the limitations. The data center team at LADBS found the perfect allies...

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Cleaning and Maintaining Your Data Center in the Era of COVID-19

Regular cleaning and maintenance are essential to making sure that your Data Center works properly and that you're meeting your uptime requirements.  As well, it protects your investment in your mission critical IT equipment. With the primary risk being airborne contaminants, like dust, which can damage sensitive electronics or cause fires, cleaning is a simple step that can reduce the risk of downtime or loss...

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Data Center Fire Safety

An integral component of any data center design accounts for the geographic risks
 a site may pose. These can be seismic or weather related. One of the highest risks, however, is common to every data center: fire. Given the heat, equipment and electrical systems concentrated within each center, the possibility of a fire is a constant concern. Data Specialties Inc. makes smoke detection and fire suppression...

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