August 2019

Modular Data Centers

With Modular Data Centers becoming such an important topic in the data center environment, we wanted to focus on one of DSI’s most recent, and most successful, Modular Data Center projects. The University of Texas Health Science Center recent implemented a Modular Data Center solution designed and built by DSI. As detailed in the link below, construction of a new building to house a data center...

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Hitting the Road for Edge Data Centers

Last month, DSI partnered with Future Facilities and RF Code to host two Edge Data Center seminars. The first one was held at Hurricane Electric’s Fremont 2 data center in Fremont, CA and the other one was held in Irvine, CA at Southern California Edison’s operations center. Upon conclusion of the Irvine event, attendees had the opportunity to tour SCE’s data center and get some...

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US Army Builds Modular Data Center In A Shipping Container

As our friends at Data Center Dynamics describe in their latest North America Newsletter, the US Army is building a Modular Data Center which will be housed in a “standard” shipping container.  While the specific applications discussed in the article are unique to the US Army, Modular Data Centers are an increasingly attractive option for all customers seeking uninterruptible power.  To view the article, click...

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