June 2019

Fuel cell technology in the data center

When deciding on a location for a data center, ensuring that the site has a reliable connection to the electric grid is normally one of the first things any company has to think about. Microsoft believes it might have found another way. For the past five years, the company has been experimenting with a different approach - hydrogen or methane gas-powered fuel cells at the rack...

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DSI attended AFCOM’s Southern California Chapter Meeting at Evoque Data Center Solutions

Last week, DSI attended AFCOM’s Southern California Chapter Meeting at Evoque Data Center Solutions in Hawthorne. The event featured an informative review of the Uptime Institute’s Annual Data Center Survey, as well as a lively panel discussion about “The Future of the Data Center.” The panel included Drew Leonard, VP Strategy for Evoque, Yigit Bulut, Partner and CTP for EYP Mission Critical Facilities, and Sean...

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