
Before You Start Building a New Data Center, Consider These Three Things

In a recent piece for Data Center Knowledge, Phil Rafferty discusses the three considerations organizations should look at before they embark on a new data center, and how getting a clear picture of what already exists can help determine if building a new data center is indeed the right option.

Ninety percent of the world’s data was created in the last two years, and more than 2.5 exabytes of new data are created every day. This rapid growth underscores the need for more and more data centers to house and manage all this information. Yet, choosing to build a data center is not a simple task for an organization – these are long-term and costly projects. When an enterprise begins to think about the need for a new data center facility, much of the work takes place before ever breaking ground for construction.Without the proper planning, organizations risk creating a new data center that is too big, not optimized for efficiency, incurs higher capital costs than necessary, or is not adequate to meet both existing and future needs. Read Phil’s full piece at Data Center Knowledge